Sunday, March 1, 2009

More, more, too much?

Hello Blog Readers, happy Sunday,

Here is an update on the woman who was banned from X Box Live for identifying as a lesbian. I think it is interesting how they use say "for gamertags or profiles we do not allow expression of any type of orientation, be that hetero or other". That heterosexuality is always biting people in the butt. The article is concluded by saying that "Microsoft's position on this issue has been consistent — whether you are actually gay or if the word gay is in your name.". WTF? What about if you are straight and identify as it? And, whether you are actually gay... heaven forbid someone actually be something.

Stephen Toulouse handles the policy for XBox Live service and here is what he had to say about the issue. I think it is funny how they are changing the word banned to suspended in the articles. And how they try to stop all forms of sexual and racial harrassment. Do they try to stop harrassment against women that doesn't involved sex or race?

Here is another comment about the article.

This isn't the first time that someone has been suspended on XBox for stating their sexuality in their name. Here is an aricle about thegayergamer and how he was suspended. Make sure to read the comments attached to see what people say about these types of articles. It is mind

Probably the last post on 'gay gaming' minus the updates on Theresa. This man's last name was Gaywood and was suspended.

Well I am happy that Microsoft is finally looking into a way to represent gender and sexuality in gaming. Microsoft is currently looking at "a way to safely express relationship preference" without it getting misused.


1 comment:

Erica said...

thanks for these articles Kerrilynn!