Saturday, October 4, 2008

She is good at beating around the bush

First check out this quick video:

I don't know much about the Sarah Palin buzz that seems to be circulating around conversations these days, but I do know from watching the video a little but about her:

1. She believes women have every opportunity that men have. This is obviously only pertaining to her home and native land Alaska because there are many women in this world who are still subject to being considered lesser then men.

2. She is glad that she grew up in a family where gender was not an issue and she was permitted, as a female, to hunt, fish, and chop wood like men. Hmmm... there is much to say about this one.. including attributing gender to activities and tasks.

3. She believes that women should be in control of their own body, but is against the choice to use to morning after pill or to get an abortion. That is a little confusing.

4. She is accepting of all relationship forms. Her best friend just happens to be gay but don't worry she does not look at this person as her gay friend, rather, a good friend. Way to leave out an individuals sense of individuality Ms. Palin. Did you ever think that maybe that person wants to be identified as gay?

Can any one else think of some more things she is good at?



Ann said...

i'm loving your comment about how gender is being attributed to activities and tasks... and can't help thinking about the other things we attribute gender to - all in the name of keeping dichotomy in place (and then 'allowing' some people to supposedly cross those lines...)

Anonymous said...

I love it. How absolutely rediculous this is. I love your comments, too. Also, I love how she attributes "choice" to being gay, so that it can also be a choice NOT to be gay. So although she denies that she was ever part of a place that helped people "pray until they're strait" she belives people can chose until they're strait. I think she needs a lesson in rhetoric.