Friday, November 7, 2008

Movie Suggestion

Hey everybody!

Thought I'd make a quick post to recommend a film I watched last night called Finn's Girl.

Finn, the main character, is definitely a "babe beyond borders" as she is the head doctor of an abortion clinic. Throughout the movie she receives several threats and a few near death-experiences because of her profession. The movie accurately portrays the challenges surrounding abortion and has a nice twist at the end of it.

I won't tell too much about the plot but I definitely recommend checking out this film! Click on the links if you'd like more information about it!

Oh and PS It's Canadian!!



Melissa Silverstein said...


totally agree with you about Finn's Girl. Wrote it up a little while ago on my site Women & Hollywood.

Think you might enjoy my commentary- it's very feminist.

Erica said...

Thank You Martha!!! What a fantastic suggestion! I think we will definitely have to add it to our movie list for the film series next semester! Cheers to you for suggesting it :)