Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday's Rant posted on a Saturday

This may not completely pertain to what I normally rant about on the blog...

The 'J' word, yes, J-Walking (I am still unsure of the correct definition). It is something that everyone on the planet has done at some point during their life. I was really 'ranted-off' by the article in the cadre that discusses the new fence put in place to end j-walking. I think that the money invested in the fence could have been used in many different ways to keep students safe. Anyway, here is my take on it (please not I just scuffled up some stairs and I am out of breathe):

and here is another students take...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think those are great points about how safety is being defined here Kerrilynn! and one more example of the kind of priorities that reign around here sometime -- where students getting 'shmucked' jaywalking would garner much media coverage (of the 'i told you so' variety), where as all the examples of other kinds of safety issues - i.e. harassment, stalking, bullying, sexual and other assaults, etc on campus don't seem to... hmmm... wonder why?